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2023 Guangzhou Design Week is set

Affected by masks, the 2022 Guangzhou Design Week, which was postponed for three months to March 3-6, 2023, has come to a successful conclusion.

The number of visitors was 402,713, which once again set a record for the largest number of exhibitions in Guangzhou Design Week. The popularity of the exhibition site exploded, and the atmosphere of negotiation was unprecedentedly high.

Before and after the exhibition, there were 54,799,189 reports on the whole network, and the effective coverage of the audience is conservatively estimated to exceed ten million, and the breaking circle has triggered hundreds of millions of heated discussions. It has become an absolute "phenomenal" design exhibition event in the spring of 2023.


Theme: surprise, high-quality development


On the evening of March 4, at the 2022 Guangzhou Design Week family banquet, the 2023 Guangzhou Design Week was officially announced: December 8-11, 

2023! Nearly a thousand people at the dinner party stood up and shouted the unanimous agreement to continue to meet each other. The freeze-frame photos and

 live videos also maxed out the circle of friends that night.

According to the official announcement video of Guangzhou Design Week CEO He Wenguang, Guangzhou Design Week 2023 will be held in the three major 

exhibition halls of Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo Center, Nanfeng International Convention and Exhibition Center and Guangzhou International Procurement 

Center from December 8th to 11th! The theme of the year is "Surprise". Why is there a surprise after love? The following will be announced one after another: from

 theme interpretation to main visual design, to a series of theme content and event planning, etc...

Regarding how to create "surprises" at Guangzhou Design Week 2023, Guangzhou Design Week CEO He Wenguang gave a clear and clear answer - "high-quality 

development", which will be fully optimized and upgraded from the aspects of exhibition areas, exhibitors' exhibits, and curated content. The Nanfeng Pavilion of 

the Poly Pavilion will be built as a "high-quality brand release exhibition" for the upstream and downstream professionals of the pan-home design industry chain, 

and the Guocai Pavilion will be built as a "high-quality design consumption exhibition" for the pan-design aesthetics consumers.

Strong and refined buying, optimization and upgrading of the three halls

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The exhibition direction of the Poly Pavilion is - high-definition material aesthetics to see Poly, optimization and upgrading keywords: strong, strong, strong 

concept, strong system, strong innovation. Strong Concept will launch the super brand Ceyuan IP concept pavilion, Strong System and Strong Innovation will 

select domestic and foreign high-quality brands and design-driven new materials and new technology companies in the fields of smart decoration systems, door 

and window systems, and high-definition systems.

The exhibition direction of Nanfeng Pavilion is ——Smart Soft Decoration Aesthetics to see Nanfeng, optimization and upgrading keywords: fine design, fine 

craftsmanship, fine sense. Fine Design will launch internationally imported and domestic original home design boutique pavilions, and Fine Art will select high-tech 

intelligent sound, light, water and gas system brands around "smart life". Decorative art, creating a soft decoration aesthetic living hall.

The exhibition direction of the Guocai Pavilion is—Cultural Creativity Life Aesthetics to see Guocai, optimized and upgraded keywords: buy, buy, buy cultural creation, 

buy life, buy aesthetics. Buy Wenchuang will gather fashion, art, aesthetics, gifts, cultural and creative IP and other exhibitions through multiple cultural and creative

themed curation projects such as the Bay Area Cultural and Creative Festival, BKA Big Kids, and Creativity 101. Buy Life will focus on eating, drinking, and entertainment 

involved in young consumption Lifestyle brands such as travel, entertainment and shopping have settled in, and shopping aesthetics refers to contemporary life aesthetics 

craftsmen, studios and brands such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, tea and flowers, gathering exhibitions and bringing consumption experience.




Contact: Joey

Phone: 13824783647

Tel: +86-18022024369

Email: 397579094@qq.com

Add: A24 card on the first floor of Liufang Building, No. 11 Xinxing Avenue, Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China